Kansas Conversations

Video 1: Why I am running.

The Way Forward video series is a road map, a guide to how we begin the hard work of rebuilding trust in each other and in our country. We can do this! 

Podcast relevant to the way forward

Video 2: Welcome To The Boyda Campaign

It’s time. Really. It’s time for us to understand that our country is at a critical juncture. A vote for me is making a statement that you are ready for the craziness to stop and you (yes, that means you!) are ready to help rebuild trust in each other and trust in our country. If not you, then who? If not now, then when?

See you tomorrow…

Podcast relevant to the way forward

Video 3: Civil War???

Have you heard people talk about Civil War lately like it’s really possible? Really??? Hopefully it’s just because of the movie that was recently released by the same title. But…in two days, TWO people told me that was their top issue. It freaked me out.

But I’m not there…at all! We don’t have to have a civil war. Seriously! All in favor of NO civil war, please raise your hands! If we want change, it has to come from us. But HOW?

This is the first in a series of very short videos called The Way Forward. It is the HOW.

See you tomorrow…

Podcast relevant to the way forward

Video 4: Your first homework assignment

You’re going to love this assignment. It’s a 52-minute podcast that is a fascinating story of two very, very different people who build trust and build an enduring friendship.

It is HOPEFUL! Seriously hopeful….which is what I need right now.

Please add your comments to get the conversation going.

If this speaks to you, then share it.

See you tomorrow…

Video 5: Radical Friendship AND Resistance

First, there was “radical friendship” offered by the student who was being targeted! Second, there was strong pushback against the extremism from the rest of the campus. It took both. Even though the friendship story was lovely, it was never going to be enough. Even though the pushback was strong, by itself it never would have brought about change, and maybe even made things worse.

Both roles take skill, and they both take compassion…or things get pretty messed up pretty quickly.

See you tomorrow…

Video 6: Head over Heart…Curiousity Wins

It’s not hard to imagine what would have happened if emotions had ruled the day, but they didn’t.

The Jewish student became curious. Instead of reacting with anger or fear, he stopped and asked himself a few questions:

  • Why would someone hold such extreme views?
  • Had the other student ever met someone who is Jewish?
  • Why wouldn’t he reach out?

A blessed cascade of events took place.

See you tomorrow…

© Copyright 2024 – Paid for by Nancy Boyda for Congress